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Cisco ASA - SNMP User Not Found?

Posted: 2024-07-17

Gilbert Baker Pride Flag, by Gilbert Baker

After an upgrade, Cisco ASA decided that it SNMP users don't exist. Or maybe they do.

Ah, Cisco ASA. How much pain and suffering have you caused me in the past 3 months. Did an upgrade on a Cisco ASA 5525, made sure everything was good, then went to bed. Woke up to a multitude of Teams' conversations about how a Tunnel was down, when it wasn't. PRTG was angry that 30ish sensors were down.. PRTG was reporting that the SNMP User didn't exist. Great. Logging into the ASA, in the buffer, I'm bombarded with entries of the following. Jul 17 2024 XX:XX:XX: %ASA-3-212006: Dropping SNMP request from xx.xx.xx.xx/xxxxxx to interface:xx.xx.xx.xx/snmp because: user not found: snmp Interesting. ASA/act/pri# show snmp-server user User name: snmp Engine ID: redacted storage-type: redacted redacted Authentication Protocol: SHA Privacy Protocol: None Group-name: redacted GREAT! Thanks ASA for letting me know something that something doesn't exist, when it does. Oddly enough, Cisco Prime was perfectly fine and the ASA was not dropping any SNMP traffic. I would recommend making sure that if you're using the SNMP user for multiple hosts, just to double check and determine if they are also working or not. Solution: Reapply SNMP user, or make a new one.